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Showing posts from November 13, 2011

Resumes, Cover Letters and Applications

During tough economic times and high unemployment, the job market becomes a jungle of applications. Now you have to compete with hundreds and maybe thousands of other applicants for one job.  A highly effective resume and cover letter may help you move up into the interview pile where you can make your light shine!  The Online Writing Lab (OWL) at Purdue University provides you with effective resume techniques, thank you and follow up letters and much more.   This website also contains resources for writing research papers, APA and MLA bibliographies and so much more.

Searching High and Low!

Have trouble finding things online through the search engine?  Wish your searching could be improved?  Here are a few tips to help you browse better! When searching, every word matters. Generally, all the words you put in the query will be used. Generally speaking, punctuation is ignored,  including all those symbols. !@#$%^&*() Think about how the page would be written. Use words that would be found on that page. For example: use [headache] instead of [my head hurts] since medical websites would use the word headache more frequently on the page. Describe what you need in just a couple of words. If you want the weather in Atlanta, search [weather Atlanta]. When looking for an exact phrase, put quotes around it. ["child care"] You can search for items on a specific website or some types of websites, for example, finding an education page on any government website [education] or searching one website  [presidential debate site:]. Using so

Tracking Time

Ever consider tracking the amount of time you spend doing various tasks?  How about the time you spend online, social networking, games, doing schoolwork or on the job? Toggl is a great tool [FREE] that allows you to briefly comment and track the time you spend on various things.  You can use the online version and time track anywhere on anything: Mac, PC, iPhone, iPad, iPod, or Android.  You can download an application for your computer as well.  The downloaded version allows you to use a feature called 'autopilot', which "studies" your behaviors and memorizes your projects. It actually learns! How cool is that! Simple, easy to use interface has some tips, tricks and more through their blog and find help at their support pages .  A cool little tool.

How Young is Too Young for Social Networking?

Parents have to be computer literate in this day in age to understand the dangers of inappropriate content and sites to illegal activity online.  Facebook monitoring should also be a required parenting skill. Kids as young as 8 and 10 years old are now showing up on Facebook to chat, share and socialize with their friends. As we see this happen more and more, we wonder, at what age is a child too young for Facebook? Obviously this is up to you as a parent but I suggest you proceed with caution. Be aware of the risks involved in allowing your children to be active on social networking sites. Pedophiles Cyber Stalkers Cyber Bullying Identity Theft Third Party Apps Your child's online footprint and reputation Legally, Facebook has a minimum age of 13 years old.  Children with unsupervised access often sign up and falsify their age, often to the point of stating they are, for example, a 19 year old adult. This can create a serious risk to your child. Facebook actually