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Showing posts from April 20, 2014

More on Passwords

Once again. You are much better off using a password management program that using the same password on multiple websites.  Here is a good video to help you come up with a GREAT master password. Take THAT hackers!

Home Insurance Inventory

We recently changed insurance companies ( USAA is highly recommended, if you qualify).  That started to make me think... we have "replacement cost " coverage on our homeowners policy instead of a " actual cash value policy ". In that manner, it saves us from getting a pro-rated replacement cost instead of a true replacement cost.  It also got me thinking.  Do I actually KNOW what I own?  We walk through our home daily. Do you know what you have in the closets or how much software is on your computer?    We pay for insurance to replace the contents of our home in case of a disaster or theft, but if we can't identify the contents,we might end up getting less of a settlement than we would otherwise, because we just didn’t report everything.  A software program wouldn't necessarily help if you don't keep the results offline or away from your home, so I recommend a cloud-based program.  Know Your Stuff   is a free online program to record your home invento

Maintenance Monday: The Recycle Bin

While working on a unprotected PC computer plagued with viruses (which is content for another blog entirely), one thing I noticed about the user. They never cleaned out their recycle bin. EVER! Is that really a good decision? You can set it up to bypass the recycle bin automatically, but I really don't recommend that. There are a times that you need to rescue something you accidentally deleted. Bottom Line: If you intended to delete it, why use the recycle bin as a storage area when it could be filed properly on your computer and less likely to be accidentally erased.  After all, emptying the Recycle Bin permanently deletes all items in just a couple of clicks. So you need to clean out your recycle bin to open up space on your computer and improve performance.So, for Maintenance Monday, clean out your recycle bin, usually found on your desktop. Right click and select "Empty Recycle Bin". But what if you don't have a recycle bin on your desktop?  Well, let