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Showing posts from October 20, 2013

Selecting Text

Just a quick mouse tip today. Did you know that if you double-click your mouse button on a word, it will select that word. If you double-click your mouse and hold the left click you can drag the mouse and select the one word at a time so you can capture a phrase, sentence, or paragraph. How easy is that? :)

Did you know these Google Hints?

Google Hints  Did you know that searches are not case sensitive? No need to correct your input. If you put define: in front of a word into the Google Search, you’ll get that word’s definition. For students. You can find a lot of textbooks on Google if you enter their title, then the desired file type. So an example would look like this: Book  Title filetype:PDF   Put quotation marks around words "[any word]" to search for an exact phrase in an exact order. Keep in mind that searching with quotes might exclude relevant results. For instance, a search for "Alexander Bell" will miss pages that refer to Alexander G. Bell. Source:

HowStuffWorks "How to Artfully Cull Your Facebook Friends List"

Ya know.. there are times it is just necessary to clean out your "friends" list or at the very least, move around some of your FB friends into the "acquaintances" category. Check out this interesting article on culling your list. HowStuffWorks "How to Artfully Cull Your Facebook Friends List"

Passwords and A Poor Memory

So, we keep telling you to not use the same password over and over, but how are you supposed to remember every password? Is there no easy, safe, way to save all these passwords? Well, one option is to use a program called LastPass to secure your passwords on your computer and allow you to create tighter passwords that are much less likely to be hacked. I have been using this for months, my son has had it for years. This program will capture your passwords, autofill forms and more but you only remember one strong password instead of hundreds.  Do you want this across all your browsers, computers, laptop, phone and tablet? Well, for $1 per month (as of this writing 10- 22-13) you can have universal access. Overall, this program allows you to create secure passwords, protects you against identity theft and protect your confidential data.  I'd say it's a win/win situation.  Go to to download it today.

Can You REALLY Work From Home?

Years ago, there were numerous scams for those wanting and needing to work from home. The reality is that stuffing envelope jobs really didn't exist.  With the internet though, there are some great opportunities for people that have the drive and motivation to work from home.  Be sure you have what it takes. Now, not everyone is cut out to be an entrepreneur or have the skills or confidence to run their own business. Nothing wrong with that.. you just want a JOB. The fact is you can do call center work for major companies such as Uhaul or AAA Insurance, non-phone work such as data entry, work for search engines, doing surveys of houses for insurance and mortgage companies and much more.  Now, this is not get rich quick and might even be at a lower cost then other jobs in a brick and mortar location, but not always. Beware! There are still scams out there, so do your research. Where do you research? Well, many people have already shared their information and let me direct yo