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Showing posts from April 22, 2012

Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act:CISPA

Once again, our government is looking for more legislation about cyber threats and security. This passed the House and it heading to the Senate.  On the surface, this legislation sounds good. We don't like threats to our country or to our lives so we think it is about safety. Much like SOPA , the wording in the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act or CISPA is broad. The broadness is the root of many of the concerns.  It offers a simple, warrantless means to acquire personal data from companies, ISPs and other online entities.  I can assure you that the voluntary collaboration of security information is already an integral part of security measures in business, this nation and around the world. There is also a government entity that works with cyber security and h as been for years ( ). This is not about the sharing of information but the sharing of PERSONAL information. This legislation is too vague when it comes to the use of the data collecte

Browser Shortcuts

IE, Chrome, Safari, or Firefox Keyboard Shortcuts Tab and Window Management F5: Refresh the current page Ctrl and + : Zoom in Ctrl and - : Zoom out Ctrl-T: Open a new tab Ctrl-N: Open a new window Ctrl-W: Close the current tab Ctrl-L: Highlight the URL bar Ctrl-0 : Return to the default zoom level Navigation Ctrl-[: Go back one page Ctrl-]: Go forward one page Spacebar: Move down one full screen Home: Jump to the top of a Web page End: Jump to the bottom of a Web page  

Recycle the office

Although I will be the first to admit I am not a tree hugger, I also believe that we should be wise with our finances and take care of the world around us. There are many things we can do to minimize waste in the office.  Buy a pack of DVDs or CDs and they come in those plastic cases. Once the last one is gone, it goes in the trash.. or maybe it has other uses.  How about using it to store computer cables but wrapping the cable around the spindle and put the lid on it. Use it to store your backups CDs. (Be sure to mark them with the date and necessary details.) Printed extra sheets that you didn't need? How about cutting them up for note paper or, if it isn't confidential information, go ahead and donate it to schools or Sunday school for scratch, project or coloring paper.  Keep it for fire starters or shred it and use it for pet nesting material or package packing material.  Read the document on your screen but check the "Print Preview" and make sure you are

DNS Changer Virus

Never heard of it? Heard of it but not sure what is happening?  Let me explain a little bit about it. This malware infected both Windows and Mac computers. Millions of computers were infected with this malware (short for malicious software program). Although many computers have been "cleaned" with updates and antivirus and malware removal programs,  the FBI still estimates that 500,000 computers are still infected. The rogue program infected the computer by changing the DNS.  The DNS is like the number directory ( that points to the correct web address ( This malware misdirected people from legitimate websites to spoof websites that looked very similar that contained lots of advertising. From my understanding, there were a few variations of the malware which restricted operating system and antivirus updates that would remove the virus/malware. The bad guys were caught and the servers were seized by the FBI. But instead of le

Backup Your Bookmarks

I rely heavily on my bookmarks or favorites to keep track of the various websites I visit through the course of the day, week, month and even years!  I know I would be frustrated if I lost all those links.  System crashes are less frequent but there is always that risk. It is time to consider backing up your bookmarks.  Let's go through some of the most popular browsers and how to preserve your favorites. Firefox The majority of my readers are actually Firefox uses, which is not really the norm (Internet Explorer still is the most widely used browser), but it is here!  Click on the Bookmarks and in the dropdown, select "Show all bookmarks" (CTR/SHIFT/B) .  At the top of the page, you will see "Import and Backup". Select "Backup" from the dropdown. This will allow you to save the file. I recommend saving it with your documents which are usually the first directory to be backed up when you need to reconfigure your computer. You can also select