Yes, even on the Internet, there is etiquette. Experts agree that your e-mail behavior has the potential to sabotage your reputation both personally and professionally. So let's look at the etiquette of email. Avoid Caps Lock in the email and in the subject line. Use punctuation and edit your email for grammar Don't use Return Receipt (RR) on every single email. Doing so is viewed as intrusive, annoying and can be declined by the other side anyway. Use a subject line that reflects what you are saying in the email. Keep your emails brief and to the point. Long emails are often put it aside until they have more time, which may not be too soon. In the same regard, read the entire email and response appropriately, answering all questions even if you don't know the answer. Respond promptly, 24 to 48 hours at the most. Like a letter, it is good form to add a opening and closing salutation. The recipient can change the size of the font if they have trouble reading your
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