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Showing posts from November 10, 2013

Free Books from Amazon

I have written about free Kindle books from Amazon in the past. Remember, you don't have to own a Kindle to get the books. You can download a Kindle reader program for your computer .   Check these books out.. BE SURE TO CHECK THE PRICE before you check out as the price can change at any moment in time. The Success Secrets of Bill Gates - Biography - You're about to discover the inspirational story and success secrets of Bill Gates. Many of these secrets of success will encourage you to follow your own dreams and make anything that you want happen.   First Look: Microsoft® Office 2010 -  Welcome to Office 2010. Whether you work primarily in the office or on the go, you'll find smart tools in this release that enable you to get your work done easier, faster, and more professionally than ever. This book will inspire you and give you a good sense of the exciting features in Office 2010. This book was written while the software was in development, so you may find

Copy Your File Names to the Clipboard

There are times when you might want to be able to have a list of file names, maybe your documents or photos or even music.  You might want to copy them to the "Clipboard" so the text can be moved to a word processing program such as MS Word, MS Excel or even to Wordpad or Notepad to be manipulated, printed or just saved. It isn't as difficult as you might think, especially with Vista or Windows 7. In Windows Explorer, highlight one or more files . Hold down the shift key , and right-click on any of the highlighted files.    When the context menu pops up, left click on the Copy As Path entry that has magically appeared because you're holding the shift key down. Now it is saved in the "Clipboard" and you can use CTRL/V to paste it to the program of your choice. What a great tip! ☺

10 underused Office features | TechRepublic

If you use Microsoft Office, this article will be worth your while to review.  Click the link below. 10 underused Office features | TechRepublic

How to Choose an SD card

You will find an SD card in your electronics such as cell phones, tablets, digital cameras and PDAs. Are there different types and styles of SD cards and how do you know the one you have is a good one? Let's go over this today. Your SD card is a Secure Digital format flash memory card.  There are different sizes and shapes of SD cards so be sure to choose the correct one for your technology.  The Standard SD cards come in three options: standard size, microSD and miniSD. The Standard size comes with a write-protect option on the side and is about the size of a postage stamp. The microSD is a bit smaller and the miniSD is the smallest. The standard SD has a capacity of 2 GB so that may not be the best option for a digital camera, for example where you would be limited to just a few high quality pictures.  So they created the SDHC, or SD High Capacity, cards which have a storage capacity up to 32 GB.  Then, in 2009, they realized they needed even more storage capability an