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Free Books from Amazon

I have written about free Kindle books from Amazon in the past. Remember, you don't have to own a Kindle to get the books. You can download a Kindle reader program for your computer.   Check these books out.. BE SURE TO CHECK THE PRICE before you check out as the price can change at any moment in time.

The Success Secrets of Bill Gates - Biography - You're about to discover the inspirational story and success secrets of Bill Gates. Many of these secrets of success will encourage you to follow your own dreams and make anything that you want happen.

 First Look: Microsoft® Office 2010 -  Welcome to Office 2010. Whether you work primarily in the office or on the go, you'll find smart tools in this release that enable you to get your work done easier, faster, and more professionally than ever. This book will inspire you and give you a good sense of the exciting features in Office 2010. This book was written while the software was in development, so you may find some variance in screen illustrations and procedures.

Top Free Kindle Fire Apps: An Introduction, Plus Tips & Tricks - In addition to its unique ranking system, it also offers in-depth reviews that provide the following:
  • A summary of what the app does
  • A summary of what is good and what is bad about each app
  • When available: The app developer’s contact information, website information, as well as links to pertinent articles about the app
  • Tips and tricks for many of the apps (how to get the most from the app)
  • A brief summary of the positive and negative reviews of the app on Amazon
Kindle Fire Power User's Guide - A How-To Tutorial for the Kindle Fire HD - Whether you received your Kindle Fire HD as a gift or you treated yourself to this tablet, you likely realize that you have a top-notch tablet in your possession. Looking to learn all the insider secrets so you can get the best use from your new Kindle Fire HD? If so, look no further! Covering both the 7-inch and the 8.9-inch Kindle Fire HD models, this book will quickly teach you 100% of what you need to know about your new tablet! Best-selling author Ed Jones provides this comprehensive guide to the Kindle Fire HD.

A Little Resource Guide to Making Money Online - "A Little Resource Guide to Making Money Online" is the perfect primer to jump start your online business. This little eBook contains resources from branding, business licensing, finding products, shopping carts, online jobs to customer service tips and much more!


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