- If you double click on a word in a document, online or in email, it highlights it so it can be deleted, copied or modified.
- Triple-clicking a word will highlight the entire section or paragraph.
- Same thing for double and triple clicking on the URL in our browser. It makes it easier to delete.
- The squiggly line character is in the upper left-hand portion of your keyboard is called a tilde (pronounced "till-deh").
- Want to delete something without it going into the recycle bin? [SHIFT] + [Del] will give you a delete confirmation box. Clicking ‘Yes’ (be sure this is what you want to do!) will delete the file bypassing the Recycle Bin.
- In many software programs you can use [CTRL] + [Z] to undo the last action. [CTRL] + [Y] will let you redo the action.
- Want to drop down on a web page without having to scroll or use your mouse on the side bar? You can press the [Space Bar] to scroll down one screen. Add the [Shift] key to scroll back up to where you were on the page.
- You don’t have to type “http://www” into your Web browser. You can just type "dailymouseclicks.com".
- Want to copy and paste an entire document? Instead of highlighting from top to bottom, hit Control + A to select everything.
OutMarket has put out in interesting white paper on " 15 Ideas to Grow with Digital Marketing ". Online marketing is not just for the big guys but is easily available for small businesses and you need to take advantage of that opportunity to level the playing field in your industry. The article provides some of the first steps in developing your online marketing plan and well worth reading. Some small business owners want to save funds and do it themselves but you might want to consider hiring this out to an online marketing specialist so you can focus on YOUR business. Twitter, Facebook, Google Analytics and social media monitoring can monopolize your time, taking you away from running your business. Shameless plug, McAllister Park Design can help you with your online marketing and increase your exposure online to potential clients. We will work with you as a consultant to help you develop a plan or as your regular marketing guru, your choice.
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