When you bought your computer, it probably was suggested that you buy a surge protector (not a power strip which lacks the protection against power fluctuations. This may protect your computer from disruptions in the flow of power. These disruptions, also called "surges", "spikes" and "blinks" or "flickers", can be as quick at few nanoseconds (1/100 of a seconds or less) and yet they can do extensive damage. A in inexpensive surge protector probably will protect your computer from the minor blinks and flickers but during a storm, it could easily let you down, causing damage to your system and your pocketbook.
When storms roll through, another computer related problem can occur, leaving you without a computer. Electricity can be carried through the phone lines and cables, frying modem and computers. You can add a phone surge suppressor at a very low cost, once again saving your system from a meltdown.
For a little more investment, you can purchase a backup UPS system which can give you time to shut down your computer in case of a power outage, phone surges and power fluctuations.
Many of these surge protectors can limit the damage of a power fluctuation, but the best defense from storms and potential direct electrical strikes is to shut down and unplug your computer and peripherals (printers etc) and any phone or cable connections. Note: A surge protector doesn't protect your computer or any electronic device from a direct lightening strike. You may want to check your homeowners insurance for that coverage. ☺
When storms roll through, another computer related problem can occur, leaving you without a computer. Electricity can be carried through the phone lines and cables, frying modem and computers. You can add a phone surge suppressor at a very low cost, once again saving your system from a meltdown.
For a little more investment, you can purchase a backup UPS system which can give you time to shut down your computer in case of a power outage, phone surges and power fluctuations.
Many of these surge protectors can limit the damage of a power fluctuation, but the best defense from storms and potential direct electrical strikes is to shut down and unplug your computer and peripherals (printers etc) and any phone or cable connections. Note: A surge protector doesn't protect your computer or any electronic device from a direct lightening strike. You may want to check your homeowners insurance for that coverage. ☺
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