"According to Pew, Sir Tim Berners-Lee. Lee wrote a paper on March 12, 1989 proposing an “information management” system that became the conceptual and architectural structure for the Web. He eventually released the code for his system—for free—to the world on Christmas Day in 1990." Pew Research Internet ProjectThe fact is that the Internet has become an important part of our lives, expanding our communication, our knowledge and our entertainment. I know my first computer, an Amstrad 8086, dual floppy drive opened my universe through the Prodigy system. Around 1994, with the purchase of an upgraded computer, we moved to AOL and almost immediately went to the Internet filled with millions of pages even at that time. My first website was created shortly thereafter and moved the site to my first domain, autumnwinds.com on July 1st, 1996.
We have come a long way since that time although social networks were there, even back in the Prodigy days. There are still many challenges that face the Internet to keep it a private, secure, neutral location. Happy Anniversary, Internet! ☺
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